Sunday, November 27, 2011



my president is the irony of my struggle
the catalyst of my controversial poetry
he is the inspiration of all peace theories
a true story of successful poverty
the blockade of black progress
my president is a champion of all times
he has "won" all races he has run
My president is cool

in the ghetto language 
which poverty taught me,
which marginalization made me master
in fearing the master,
the commander in chief
the supreme leader
of all in sundry by fist and fury
is definitely cool

i lift my protest fist high
redefining the struggle for human dignity
grabbed from a white man,
stuck in the hand of a black tyrant
my president is cool
he successfully ran down the economy
successfully reduced my pride for a ride
the nation became a laughing stock
the man in state house
in a cool manner,
created hell for all he hated
including his children
who are now scattered all over the world
shouting-He must go
my president is cool
he went to school
you, he can fool
but he aint a fool
He is cool

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At May 4, 2012 at 7:50 AM , Anonymous Phillip Chidavaenzi said...

Strong stuff. I love the lyricism!

At July 5, 2012 at 4:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bhekumusa Moyo could write his poems in Ndebele too. We are waiting to read them in Ndebele!


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